Library Membership

Get your library card! To sign up, come by in person or fill out the online form below. To renew, come visit us or give us a call. 

Contact us to find out more about how to obtain a library card in order to access fantastic resources.


  • Family - $16.00/year
  • Single - $11.00/year
  • Under 18 FREE


  • Books - Overdue charges: $0.10/day
  • DVD/Blu-ray - Overdue charges: $1.00/day  

Sign Up Online

 Join our library by filling out this online form. When you complete the process, you'll receive your temporary library card number. You can get started right away with accessing our online eResources and searching for library materials in our catalogue to place holds. Within 30 days of completing your registration, visit the library with one piece of government-issued ID to complete the process, receive your full membership, and begin accessing our collection of books, DVDs, video games, and more!

Please provide at least one form of contact.*